NBGI Coordinated Implementation Program

Citizens demand proof of management effectiveness. The universal measure of success is “how many,” quail, migratory birds, deer, etc. NBGI provides science services to measure biological responses, assess results and guide management. Quail conservation success was standardized as measures of population density, quail-per-acre, in 2011, by the 25-state bobwhite restoration plan, NBCI 2.0.
A tiered approach to landscape scale planning and action for bobwhites.
A measured abundance of bobwhites is the goal of the NBGI Coordinated Implementation Program (CIP), as demonstrated in NBGI Focal Areas. CIP is built on the foundation of NBCI 2.0, the 25-state spatially-based bobwhite habitat conservation plan launched in 2011.
Click the focal or reference area for details
Kansas biologists talk about the importance of NBGI monitoring programs to their management.